
Ursula Keller wins “Swiss Nobel” Marcel Benoist Prize- for pioneering work in ultrafast lasers
MUST2022 Conference- a great success!
New scientific highlights- by MUST PIs Wörner, Chergui, and Richardson
FELs of Europe prize for Jeremy Rouxel- “Development or innovative use of advanced instrumentation in the field of FELs”
Ruth Signorell wins Doron prizefor pioneering contributions to the field of fundamental aerosol science
New FAST-Fellow Uwe Thumm at ETH- lectures on Topics in Femto- and Attosecond Science
International Day of Women and Girls in Science- SSPh asked female scientists about their experiences
New scientific highlight- by MUST PIs Milne, Standfuss and Schertler
EU XFEL Young Scientist Award for Camila Bacellar,beamline scientist and group leader of the Alvra endstation at SwissFEL
Prizes for Giulia Mancini and Rebeca Gomez CastilloICO/IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics & Ernst Haber 2021
Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to RESOLV Member Benjamin List- for the development of asymmetric organocatalysis
NCCR MUST at Scientifica 2021- Lightning, organic solar cells, and virtual molecules

X-FEL 2013 - X-ray Free Electron Laser School and symposium

Date Mo, 16.09.2013 - Fr, 20.09.2013
Time All day
Location Dinard, France
Program The rapidly evolving capabilities of X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs) are attracting an ever increasing interest from scientists from many fields covering physics, chemistry, biology or materials science. XFELs unique features require scientists, and in particular young ones, to be informed about the FELs characteristics as well as how FELs can address fundamental questions.

The school and symposium are organized within the framework of a French GDRI-XFEL initiative and will take place in Dinard at the Manoir de la Vicomte near Rennes and Saint-Malo

The meeting will have two parts:

a school with lectures covering different topics showing state of the art development of XFEL related science.
a symposium with research talks (including contributing presentations)

Topics include:

XFEL radiation generation and properties>
Light matter interaction
Coherent Scattering and diffraction
X-ray absorption and X-ray emission spectroscopies
Electron based spectroscopies and ARPES
Structural dynamics in the solid phase
Chemical reactions
Biological sciences
Matter in extreme conditions
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NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation