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Ruth Signorell wins Doron prize

MUST PI Prof. Ruth Signorell will be awarded the Doron Prize on March 8 in Zug, Switzerland. The Doron Prize is worth CHF 100,000.

Prof. Dr. Ruth Signorell is Professor of Physical Chemistry and an internationally recognized scientist who has made pioneering contributions to the field of fundamental aerosol science. With new methods for aerosol measurements she is addressing fundamental questions about the interplay between environment and climate.

Born in Switzerland in 1969, Ruth Signorell first studied mathematics and later natural sciences at ETH Zurich. She graduated in 1996 with degrees in physics and chemistry. She then began research on high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy of small molecules. She completed her outstanding dissertation on “Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Cations” in 1999, for which she was awarded the medal of the ETH Zurich. In the course of her work as a professor in Germany, Canada and finally Switzerland, the research work of Ruth Signorell and her team, together with the work of colleagues from other institutions in Asia, Europe and North America, has established itself as an independent research field of fundamental aerosol science. In addition she led an international scientific network for real-time chemical and physical analysis of nanoaerosols. New insights from fundamental aerosol research through the work of Ruth Signorell have greatly expanded the knowledge horizon, demonstrating her ability to continually develop and advance fields of research. She attaches great importance to the promotion of young scientists and equal opportunities for women and men. Her enthusiasm for science has without a doubt contributed to the academic success of many of her collaborators and students. She has received numerous awards for her outstanding achievements in research and teaching, including an ERC Advanced Grant in 2018 and the Humboldt Research Award in 2019.

Prof. Dr. Ruth Signorell's interest in less explored scientific areas has led her to new research topics and unconventional experimental approaches. By developing new methods for measuring aerosols, she and her research team made an important contribution to the understanding of aerosol properties and their impact on the environment and climate.

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