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DPG Physics School on Free-electron X-ray Laser Physics

Date So, 15.09.2013 - Fr, 20.09.2013
Time All day
Location Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
Program The advent of the first free-electron X-ray lasers, FLASH in 2004 and LCLS in 2009, may prove to be the most profound development since the invention of the laser and, equally, the synchrotron. Sharp improvements in a number of laser parameters, most notably intensity and pulse duration, support this expectation. This brings scientific dreams within reach, that have inspired scientists since decades: The spectrum ranges from nonlinear X-ray optics to X-ray structural analysis of individual macro molecules. Indeed, the unprecedented opportunities and expectations have triggered considerable investments and research activities worldwide. By the end of the decade, a dozen of X-ray laser facilities can be expected to be operational.

The School will bring together scientists who have played a leading role in developing and applying free-electron X-ray lasers. The primary goal is teaching the fundamentals of free-electron laser to young scientists and providing them with an overview of the present status X-ray free-electron laser science.

• Fundamentals of X-ray physics
• Fundamentals of free-electron lasers
• Status and prospects of X-ray laser physics
• Interaction with matter
• Coherent imaging

Confirmed Speakers:
• Rafael Abela (Paul Scherrer Institute)
• Louis DiMauro (The Ohio State University)
• Roger Falcone (Berkeley)
• Josef Feldhaus (DESY)
• Gianluca Geloni (European XFEL)
• Jerry Hastings (LCLS Stanford)
• Tetsuya Ishikawa (RIKEN SPring-8)
• Franz Kärtner (DESY)
• Jens Limpert (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
• Ralf Röhlsberger (DESY)
• Nina Rohringer (DESY)
• Jörg Rossbach (DESY)
• Robin Santra (CFEL Hamburg)
• Ilme Schlichting (MPI Heidelberg)
• Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten (University of Duisburg-Essen)
• Peter Schmüser (DESY)
• Christian Schroer (TU Dresden)
• Edgar Weckert (DESY Hamburg)
• Joachim Ullrich (PTB Braunschweig)
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NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation