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Photon Tools for Physical Chemistry 2014

Date So, 28.09.2014 - Mi, 01.10.2014
Time All day
Location Hotel Dorint Beatenberg, Beatenberg, Switzerland
Program PTPC2014 is organized by Paul Scherrer Institut, home of the Swiss Light Source and, starting 2016, the Swiss Free Electron Laser, SwissFEL.

PTPC2014 intends to widen the scope of the IWPTCEC meetings from the previous array of chemical dynamics and kinetics, characterisation of particulate matter, and spray visualization, to also include
isomer specific mass spectrometry,
catalytic combustion,
chemical kinetics on surfaces,
flame synthesis, and
particle formation/self-assembly of molecular structures.

PTPC2014 aims at fostering international cooperation at the forefront of energy conversion research using synchrotron radiation and other light sources. It focuses on the combustion of emerging fuels and the production and storage of liquid energy carriers from renewable sources. The scope of the workshop reaches from molecular dynamics over chemical kinetics to spray propagation and particle formation studies. PTPC2014 intends to bring together experts from these fields to promote synergies and work towards a sustainable energy concept.

The workshop will comprise spoken contributions organised in 6 sessions.

1. Flames and reactors
Reactors amenable to experiments with large photon tools. Elementary reactions in flames giving insights into unimolecular and bimolecular chemistry of common fuels as well as next-generation bio fuels.

2. Chemical kinetics
Fundamental reaction mechanisms in combustion and atmospheric chemistry. Identification of experiments at user facilities.

3. Sprays, aerosols and particulate matter
Interactions of high frequency light (VUV – X-ray) with nanoparticles, clusters and fuel sprays elucidating ionization- and fragmentation-mechanisms as well as chemical processes producing particulate matter.

4. Coincidence Spectrometry
Spectrometric assessment of elusive species and their unimolecular reaction mechanisms to improve kinetic models. Elaboration of thermochemical data, especially heats of formation.

5. Astrochemistry
Elementary reactions and dynamics in interstellar space. Investigations ranging from atmospheres of earth-like planets to the origin of biomolecular asymmetry.

6. Catalysis, Surfaces and Reacted Clusters
Investigations in surface science. Reactions on condensed matter and clusters.
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NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation