13th Nordic Femtochemistry
Date | Do, 16.08.2018 - Fr, 17.08.2018 | |
Location | South Campus, University of Copenhagen | |
Program | Welcome to the 13th Nordic Femtochemistry Conference to be held August 16th and 17th at South Campus, University of Copenhagen (http://humanities.ku.dk/contact/howtofindus/). We aim at a cornucopia of talks and conversations amongst the Nordic femto community and beyond. The conference will include the following themes: Imaging molecular structure with femtosecond time resolution Excited-state dynamics of gas-phase molecules Dynamics in liquids and at interfaces Femtosecond X-ray science Energy and charge transfer in biological and artificial systems The conference fee is 1000 DKK (~ 135 EUR) w hi ch i nc lu de s co ff ee , lu nc he s, a ft er no on r ef re sh me nt s an d co nf er en ce d in ne r on t he 1 6t h. R eg is tr at io n is t o be c om pl et ed o n th e we b fo rm b el ow b ef or e Ma y 1s t an d pr ef er ab ly s oo ne r. T ra ve l bu rs ar ie s ar e av ai la bl e fo r ma st er s st ud en ts b y ap pl ic at io n to t ho rs te n@ ch em .k u. dk . |
Link | 13th Nordic Femtochemistry |