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PSI Photonics Spring Workshop

Date Mo, 10.04.2017 - Mi, 12.04.2017
Time all day
Location University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Brugg-Windisch
Program The Paul Scherrer Institute is organising the `Photonics Spring Workshop’ from 10th to 12th April 2017. The workshop will focus on the SwissFEL Athos soft X-ray beamline and the SLS-2 upgrade project (diffraction-limited storage ring).
We invite you to participate in this workshop. It will be guided by science rather than machine design, focusing on the identification of grand challenges in condensed-matter research, magnetism, chemistry, chemical spectroscopy, catalysis, imaging, and macromolecular crystallography.
The scientific program of the workshop will consist of invited keynote talks and working groups in parallel breakout sessions. The workshop sessions will be held from Monday to Wednesday, with the end of Tuesday afternoon dedicated for a tour to PSI’s new large scale facility: SwissFEL with subsequent workshop dinner.

Keynote Speakers
• Magnetism – Prof. Dr. Stefan Eisebitt, Max-Born-Institut Berlin
• Surface Chemistry – Prof. Dr. Anders Nilsson, Stockholm University
• Imaging – Prof. Dr. Chris Jacobsen, Argonne National Laboratory
• Structural Biology – Prof. Dr. David Stuart, University of Oxford
• Heterogeneous Catalysis – Prof. Dr. Bert Weckhuysen, Utrecht University
• SCES/CM – Prof. Dr. Dragan Mihailovic, Jozef Stefan Institute
• Condensed Matter - Prof. Dr. Jerry Hastings, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)
• Luc Patthey, Paul Scherrer Institut (Workshop Chair)
• Phill Willmott, Paul Scherrer Institut (Workshop Chair)
• Mirjam van Daalen, Paul Scherrer Institut (LOC Chair)
• Anja Minikus, Paul Scherrer Institut
• Martina Füglister, Paul Scherrer Institut
• Simon Gerber, Paul Scherrer Institut
• Chris Milne, Paul Scherrer Institut
• Nick Plumb, Paul Scherrer Institut
• Ana Diaz, Paul Scherrer Institut
• Vincent Olieric, Paul Scherrer Institut
• Olga Safonova, Paul Scherrer Institut
• Armin Kleibert, Paul Scherrer Institut
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NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation