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Hans Jakob Wörner receives ERC Starting Grant

ERC Grant
Hans Jakob Wörner observes the movements of electrons in molecules. Not an easy task, since these move in the range of attoseconds (1 as = 10^-18 s). The professor at the Laboratory for Physical Chemistry has an ambitious goal with his ERC project: to measure the electron dynamics in molecules using new, experimental processes.

Project objective:
The goal of the present proposal is to realize measurements of electronic dynamics in polyatomic molecules with attosecond temporal resolution (1 as = 10^-18s). We propose to study electronic rearrangements following photoexcitation, charge migration in a molecular chain induced by ionization and non-adiabatic multi-electron dynamics in an intense laser field. The grand question addressed by this research is the characterization of electron correlations which control the shape, properties and function of molecules. In all three proposed projects, a time-domain approach appears to be the most suitable since it reduces complex molecular dynamics to the purely electronic dynamics by exploiting the hierarchy of motional time scales. Experimentally, we propose to realize an innovative experimental setup. A few-cycle infrared (IR) pulse will be used to generate attosecond pulses in the extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) by high-harmonic generation. The IR pulse will be separated from the XUV by means of an innovative interferometer. Additionally, it will permit the introduction of a controlled attosecond delay between the two pulses. We propose to use the attosecond pulses as a tool to look inside individual IR- or UV-field cycles to better understand light-matter interactions. Time-resolved pump-probe experiments will be carried out on polyatomic molecules by detecting the energy and angular distribution of photoelectrons in a velocity-map imaging spectrometer. These experiments are expected to provide new insights into the dynamics of multi-electron systems along with new results for the validation and improvement of theoretical models. Multi-electron dynamics is indeed a very complex subject on its own and even more so in the presence of strong laser fields. The proposed experiments directly address these challenges and are expected to provide new insights that will be beneficial to a wide range of scientific research areas.

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The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation