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Controlling recollisions to extract attosecond molecular dynamics & ionization dynamics in CO2

Date Mo, 10.12.2012 - Mo, 10.12.2012
Time 16:45
Speaker Jon Marangos, Imperial College London
Location ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Program Controlling recollisions to extract attosecond molecular dynamics & ionization dynamics in CO2

I will begin with an overview of Imperial College research in attosecond science. Then I will discuss the PACER technique that uses chirp encoded attosecond dynamics information retrieval from HHG spectroscopy which we have been developing for several years. The talk will then review important technical developments for the further extension of these methods of HHG spectroscopy including; few-cycle sources at 1200-1800nm for molecular HHG, the “perfect wave” synthesized multi-colour fields for optimised HHG and differential control of short and long trajectories in a 2-colour field. Finally I will discuss new results on the non-sequential double ionization and fragmentation in CO2 in a strong field where we have, for the first time, identified the contribution from two ionic states of the molecule.

Professor Marangos obtained his BSc in Physics from Imperial College in 1982 and completed a PhD on "Tunable coherent VUV radiation applied to studies of dense z-pinch plasmas" in 1986. He was appointed an EPSRC Advanced Fellow in 1990, a Lecturer in Physics at Imperial in 1995 and a Reader in 1999. In 2002 he was made Professor of Laser Physics and currently serves as director of the Blackett Laboratory Laser Consortium.

Currently his research interests include the study of molecular dynamics on the femtosecond and attosecond timescales.
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The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation