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Spin polarization and rotating hole dynamics induced by nonadiabatic tunneling in circularly polarized laser fields

Date Mo, 10.06.2013 - Mo, 10.06.2013
Time 16:45
Speaker Ingo Barth, Max-Born Institut, Berlin
Location ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6
Program Based on the gauge-invariant theory of strong-field nonadiabatic tunnel ionization for short range potentials developed by Perelomov, Popov, and Terent’ev (PPT) [1,2], we extended this theory successfully for non-relativistic atomic p orbitals in circularly polarized fields [3,4]. We showed that the valence atomic orbitals, in which the electrons initially rotate against the laser field, will be depleted more effective than for co-rotating electrons and that our theory and the experiment [5] are in very good agreement [6]. Motivated by the experimental work on real-time observation of hole dynamics of valence spin-orbitals [7], I will present the theory of nonadiabatic ionization of relativistic spin-orbitals in strong circularly polarized laser fields. I will show that for right or left circular polarization the ionization rates for all valence pj spin-orbitals are different and it leads to the controllable production of spin polarized photoelectrons and ions [8]. In addition, due to spin-orbit splitting between p3/2 and p1/2 spin-orbitals, there is rotating hole dynamics of valence spin-orbitals in ions that associates with generation of spin-orbit ring currents in ions [9]. Finally, some aspcets on kinetic energy spectra of photoelectrons and on Coulomb effects [10] will be also discussed.

Host: Hans Jakob Wörner, Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie, LPC
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The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation