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Ultrafast spectro-microscopy and coherent scattering of functional nanomaterials: harnessing the power of soft X-ray light

Date Mi, 16.10.2019 - Mi, 16.10.2019
Time 11:15h
Speaker Dr. Giulia Mancini, PSI, OVGA/319, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Location UZH Irchel Campus, Y36 K08
Program Ultrafast coherent X-ray imaging, scattering and spectroscopy are essential tools for understanding and quantifying the functionality of nanoscale systems in space and time domains. In particular, Soft X-ray/EUV light from compact High-Harmonic Generation (HHG) sources [1, 2] has proved extremely powerful for investigating dynamic electronic, phononic and magnetic properties in complex nanostructured systems [3-5], with nanometer spatial resolution and pulse durations in the femtosecond (fs)-to-attosecond (as) range. Specifically, the combination of HHG EUV light with ptychographic coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) [6, 7] enabled revolutionary capabilities, spanning a broad range from Bragg coherent small-angle scattering to ultrafast and hyperspectral imaging.
In this talk I will present my work in ultrafast coherent diffractive imaging and scattering using pulsed EUV and electron sources. I will provide examples of soft Xray-CDI applications in ultrafast full-field imaging of thermal and acoustic dynamics in individual nanostructures [8, 9]. Next, I will discuss how order/disorder correlations in colloidal crystals can be retrieved with small-angle scattering from highly coherent EUV light [10] and from partially coherent pulsed electron sources [11, 12], showing how the two approaches enable the visualization of complementary information in the spatial domain. The combination of these cutting-edge ultrafast techniques with advances in coherent imaging can be harnessed to carry out full-field non-destructive imaging of dynamically functioning nano-assemblies and interfaces, with exquisite amplitude (i.e. material composition) and phase (i.e. height) contrast.
1. A. Rundquist, Science 280, 1412–1415 (1998).
2. R. A. Bartels et al., Science 297, 376–378 (2002).
3. Z. Tao et al., Science 353, 62–67 (2016).
4. K. Hoogeboom-Pot et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 162, 341–344 (2015).
5. E. Turgut et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 1–6 (2013).
6. A. Maiden, J. M. Rodenburg, Ultramicroscopy 109, 1256–1262 (2009).
7. A. Maiden, D. Johnson, P. Li, Optica 4, 736 (2017).
8. R. Karl Jr*, G. F. Mancini*, et al., Science Advances 4, eaau4295 (2018).
9. D. F. Gardner, G. F. Mancini et al., Nat. Photonics 11, 259–263 (2017).
10. G. F. Mancini et al., Opt. Express 26, 11393–11406 (2018).
11. G. F. Mancini et al., Nano Lett. 16, 2705–2713 (2016).
12. G. F. Mancini et al., Structural Dynamics 6, 024304 (2019).
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The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation