Shining light on Catalysts
Date | Do, 14.04.2011 | |
Time | 15.00 h | |
Speaker | Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven, ETHZ and PSI | |
Location | ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HIL E5 | |
Program | Catalysis is the enabling technology in the chemical industry. I will briefly describe its impact on the chemical industry and environmental society. Because of environmental legislation and the shifting feed stock for energy and chemicals, new catalytic materials with improved performance in terms of activity and selectivity need to be developed. Catalysts, which have a structure that is controlled at the atomic level enable the design of the new materials of the future. However, limited understanding of structure – performance relations hampers such development; improved synthesis and characterization methodology of catalysts at the nano-scale and into the ultra-fast time domain are essential to understand a functioning catalyst. I will provide examples of, what we call time-resolved, in situ structural analysis, which illustrate how the structure of a catalysts dynamically changes under reaction conditions. The new NCCR MUST associated member Prof. Dr. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven will give a tutorial like presentation on "Heterogeneous Catalysis" - matching the needs of MUST. |
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van Borkhoven |