COherent X-ray spectroscopy: the dream
Date | Mo, 02.12.2013 - Di, 03.12.2013 | |
Time | All day | |
Location | Adriatico Guesthouse, Trieste, Italy | |
Program | Free Electron Laser technology is nowadays developing extremely fast and the possibility to have fully coherent pulses in the Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) Preliminary List of Invited Speakers S. Mukamel - UCI, USA J. Stohr - SLAC, USA P. Johnsson - Lund University, Sweden B. Patterson - PSI, Switzerland Villy Sundstrom - Lund University, Sweden K. Nelson - MIT, USA A. Scherz - XFEL, Germany A. Föhlisch - Bessy, Germany W. Wurth - Hamburg University, Germany |
a nd s of t x- ra y is b ec om in g a re al it y. F ER MI @E le tt ra i s th e pr oo f of p ri nc ip le t ha t ta bl e- to p la se r ex pe ri me nt s ca n no w be c ar ri ed o ut a t mu ch s ho rt er w av el en gt hs m ak in g po ss ib le t o pr ob e dy na mi ca l pr oc es se s oc cu rr in g in m ol ec ul ar a nd n an os tr uc tu re d ma te ri al s wi th a n un pr ec ed en te d ti me -s pa ce (femtosecond-nanometer) resolution. Indeed, the use of high energy photons allows stimulating and probing electronic transitions from core levels thus providing chemical selectivity. This will advance our knowledge to the very essence of materials science, chemistry, and biology, thus opening the way to future technologies that cannot even be foreseen today.|
Link | COherent X-ray spectroscopy: the dream | |
Elletra Sincrotrone Trieste |