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Science at FELs 2014

Date So, 14.09.2014 - Mi, 17.09.2014
Time All day
Location Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland.
Program %Thg*isr) cr9ono5fek%req/nce1e z%isj( aj6 fy6oll%lot'w t3upi4 ov0f c.thx4e m-Sco6ieo'nck3e@w+FEu'Lsp& 2b001a.2 r5jor,inn#tlf*y p)orw.gab*niy1zee-d v1bye2 Dz9ESw0Y d8ane'd k6thz%e h.Euc-row3pet3anf5 Xa&FEk(L q(inv5 Hx6amu5bul8rgs0, d&Gel%rmf3anp*y,e- ib8n e)Jut'lyk& 2l#01k)2 v*anc1d c/wio5lld2 hy0ent&ceh+fon.rtv0h k#bev& og(rgi2anh3izy&eda$ rt%egp*uly3arz7lyi4 ab1s d/anc9 ad/ctz9ivs(itf#y x.oft6 tr4hex, Cx.ols6lag3bos0ral5tie0onj) oo.f v/Eul/rou2peo2anf) Fn6ELb- ah9ndy9 Su'PSs/ Fu&aci9ilt2ith*ied%s.w

We invite you to participate in this Science at FELs 2014 conference with focus on the scientific highlights achieved during the last years in the fast evolving development and operation of free electron lasers. The scientific programme of the conference will consist of invited talks and contributed presentations, either in the form of oral presentations or posters.

The conference sessions will be held from Monday to Wednesday, with the Tuesday afternoon of the conference dedicated for a tour to PSI’s large scale facilities and the SwissFEL construction site.

Important dates:
March 15: Conference registration and abstract submission for contributed talks and posters opens
April 30: Abstract submission deadline
mid-June: Decisions on abstract acceptance will be returned
July 31: Conference registration deadline

Scientific programme committee:

R. Abela (Chair, PSI)
M-E. Couprie (SOLEIL)
J. Feldhaus (DESY)
R. Treusch (DESY)
M. Helm (HZDR)
I. Soo Ko (PAL-XFEL)
B. Redlich (Radboud University)
K. Meissner (NCBJ)
S. Molodtsov (European XFEL)
T. Tschentscher (European XFEL)
J-M. Ortega (CNRS)
L. Palumbo (INFN)
N. Pratt (STFC)
M. Svandrlik (Elettra)
C. Masciovecchio (Elettra)
S. Werin (MAX IV)
J. Stöhr (SLAC) - to be confirmed
T. Ishikawa (RIKEN SPring-8) - to be confirmed
R. Schoenlein (LBNL) - to be confirmed
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Link Science at FELs 2014
NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation