Ultrafast Dynamic Imaging of Matter
Date | So, 08.03.2015 - Do, 12.03.2015 | |
Time | All day | |
Location | Grindelwald, Switzerland | |
Program | This conference will be focused on new techniques for imaging the dynamics of molecules and matter on ultrafast timescales, from femtoseconds to attoseconds. A special emphasis will lie on the applications of new sources including X-ray free-electron lasers, high-harmonic generation, few-cycle lasers and ultrashort electron pulses. This conference is the fourth in a row. Previous conferences have been held in London (2006), Ischia (2009) and Banff (2012). The conference will have a format similar to the Gordon conferences, with oral sessions in the morning and evening. The afternoons will be available for skiing, snow-shoeing or discussions.The conference will take place during the peak of the skiing season! About two thirds of the oral presentations will be invited talks and the remaining part will be chosen from the submitted abstracts. Posters will be presented in the evening sessions. |
Link | IDUM2015 |