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16th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure International (XAFS16)

Date So, 23.08.2015 - Fr, 28.08.2015
Time All day
Location Karlsruhe, Germany
Program n particular, we would like to advertise the 1-day symposium (organized within the main conference) entitled “Current and future opportunities for X-ray spectroscopies at XFELs”, which will provide a broad overview of the current status and challenges for various types of X-ray spectroscopies at the recently operational X-ray Free Electron Laser Facilities (XFELs), including XAFS, non-resonant and resonant XES. The emphasis will be given to ultrafast time-resolved X-ray spectroscopic studies exploiting the unique and unprecedented brightness and ultrashort pulse duration of these 4th generation light sources exploiting both soft and hard X-radiation. It will also highlight the future opportunities for X-ray spectroscopies in the context of the rapidly improving XFEL technology.

We are now in the process of finalizing details of the symposium program and we would like to strongly encourage you to submit abstracts to XAFS16 concerning Session 17: “Spectroscopies at XFEL sources, Time-resolved and ultrafast techniques” (see the following link for a list of all topics for abstract submission:
Both invited/contributed talks will be selected from the abstracts, next to poster presentations. The extended deadline for abstract submission for XAFS16 is in a few days only, March 15th, 2015.

We look forward to receive your contributions in this new scientific field and hope to meet you in Karlsruhe at the XAFS16 conference!

With our best regards,

Christian Bressler and Wojciech Gawelda (Symposium Organizers)
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NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation