Summer School Solvation Science
Date | Mo, 25.05.2015 - Fr, 29.05.2015 | |
Time | All day | |
Location | Bochum, Germany | |
Program | Within the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV (Ruhr Explores Solvation, the Graduate School Solvation Science (GSS) was established in the beginning of 2013. The GSS is to hold its next annual summer school between the dates of the 25th – 29th of May 2015 in Bochum, Germany. The GSS Summer School comprises two main parts: two days of experimental or theoretical hands-on courses and two days of plenary lectures. The lectures of the Summer School 2015 will take place on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th May and will focus on four main topics: molecular dynamics simulations, THz spectroscopy, electrochemistry and organic catalysis. For more information please visit our GSS homepage: We h av e a sm al l nu mb er o f pl ac es a va il ab le f or e xc ep ti on al M as te r or P hD s tu de nt s. I nt er es te d st ud en ts c an a pp ly t o pa rt ic ip at e in o ur S um me r Sc ho ol b y se nd in g th ei r CV w it h co nt ac t de ta il s an d af fi li at io n to ge th er w it h a on e- pa ge l et te r of m ot iv at io n to g ss @r ub .d e. After the review of the applications by the organisers the applicants will be notified if they are accepted for participation and if they are offered a travel stipend. |
Link | GSS |