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GRC on Photoionization & Photodetachment

Date So, 07.02.2016 - Fr, 12.02.2016
Time All day
Location Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort, Lucca, Italy
Program In recent years a variety of exciting new techniques in photoionization and photodetachment have been developed, enabling unprecedented access to the structure and dynamics of isolated atoms and molecules. The techniques have been shown to be of critical importance to studies at short wavelength free electron laser sources, and other short wavelength or high intensity sources, in which the ejection of photoelectrons is the common fate of both condensed phase and gas phase samples. A step change in the applications of photoelectron spectroscopy to the condensed phase has been caused by the development of liquid microjets, and fascinating studies are underway concerning the nature of water itself. In this meeting emphasis will be on the cutting edge technical developments that have occurred in the very recent past, together with applications of photoelectron spectroscopy to studies of the structure and dynamics of clusters, nanoparticles, liquids, surfaces and complex molecules. New directions will be identified and explored.

Preliminary Program

The topics and speakers for the conference sessions are displayed below (italics denote discussion leaders). The Conference Chair is currently developing their detailed program, which will include the complete meeting schedule, as well as the talk titles for all speakers. The detailed program will be available by October 7, 2015. Please check back for updates.

Emerging Techniques and Exotic Systems: Frontiers (Jochen Kuepper / Francesca Calegari / Bernd Winter)

Clusters and Complex Molecules (Caroline Dessent / Robert Continetti / Jan Verlet / Anna Krylov / Lai-Sheng Wang)

Matter in Intense Fields (Fernando Martin / Christoph Bostedt / Lorenz Cederbaum)

Microjets and Nanoparticles (Helen Fielding / Ruth Signorell / Stephen Southworth / Katrin Siefermann / Toshinoro Suzuki)

Novel Probes of Chirality (Laurent Nahon / Ivan Powis / Olga Smirnova / Yann Mairesse)

Capabilities with Ultrashort Laser Pulses (Marc Vrakking / Thomas Pfeifer / Caterina Vozzi / Albert Stolow)

Probing Dynamics at Interfaces (Martin Wolf / Isabella Gierz / Julia Staeler)

New Avenues with Free Electron Lasers (Kiyoshi Ueda / Nora Berrah / Oliver Gessner / Kevin Prince / Oriol Vendrell)

Complementary Techniques (Danielle Dowek / Reinhard Doerner / Majed Chergui / Ann Orel)

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NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation