
Ursula Keller wins “Swiss Nobel” Marcel Benoist Prize- for pioneering work in ultrafast lasers
MUST2022 Conference- a great success!
New scientific highlights- by MUST PIs Wörner, Chergui, and Richardson
FELs of Europe prize for Jeremy Rouxel- “Development or innovative use of advanced instrumentation in the field of FELs”
Ruth Signorell wins Doron prizefor pioneering contributions to the field of fundamental aerosol science
New FAST-Fellow Uwe Thumm at ETH- lectures on Topics in Femto- and Attosecond Science
International Day of Women and Girls in Science- SSPh asked female scientists about their experiences
New scientific highlight- by MUST PIs Milne, Standfuss and Schertler
EU XFEL Young Scientist Award for Camila Bacellar,beamline scientist and group leader of the Alvra endstation at SwissFEL
Prizes for Giulia Mancini and Rebeca Gomez CastilloICO/IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics & Ernst Haber 2021
Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to RESOLV Member Benjamin List- for the development of asymmetric organocatalysis
NCCR MUST at Scientifica 2021- Lightning, organic solar cells, and virtual molecules

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Date Mo, 05.09.2016 - Mi, 07.09.2016
Time All day
Location Savoia Excelsior Palace in Trieste, Italy
Program 'Thx#e l7inn9tex)rnn6atc-ioc0naw/l b.Scp2ieb0ncn1e@b2FEn)Lsc$ Cl9onb7few0rew4ncw+e,q9 ov3rgo3ang1izf6edi) bl6y x/Elo,etv1trm)a q/- e.Sie#nch$rok7trb(onq0e y7Trg&iet/stk'e,k* wt8ilt/l p(tav'kev# ps9lab#cea- fx$ror/m r1Sek7ptt&eml'bei6r n$5 u)toq+ Sn-epp*tel*mbi.eri+ 7y(, l120t%16g& aa#t h-the1e i3Sas%voz*iam. Eu%xcv(elk&sit3orn2 Py8alh3acb/e w$ino' To3riv6esk/tez+. w.Thx1iso3 cx9onx1fes,rei2ncj1e j-isd( an2 fl$olk)loy6w u8upf2 ok%f i9thv'e z4Scv2iee&nci/e@t3FEz7Lsz. 2p,01p94 r/atv- tl#hed6 Pd-auw9l q5Scs.hem7rrq6erl+ Io-nsg/tiy6tuy/tev1 ac1ndc/ tr(hek5 os(neu* ib.n v/20k-12k6 au9t h$DEn(SYx- au3ndc7 wj(ilk#l m5hev&ncb1efn%ore*thr/ bt$e k/orb3gaq/niy.zea4d f&req0guj#lap6rlv-y z7asc. az(n v2acu0tit'vid4tyx4 oi6f g+thp.e n(Cob7llg2abs$ord2atz'ioe8n l9ofq( Eo+urm2opd+eal-n g3FEw6L e+anb(d f*SPx8S k#Fap*cig5lih2tit8esy* h(FELs OF EUROPE),. a,Thu-isx# ye4eaw+r c7Lap*sef/rlg0abo7 Ey5urq(opm,e e,wit-llu4 tx/akg5e o,pan,rtt1 ii+n z/thx(e e-orc%gag4nij3zae/tic8onz7 os7f l8thr#e i'Scl%iev5ncl5e@i*FEb.Lsu& cp#ony8fes%rem5ncb-e s3wij&thr# te9hef0 ac$imk/ tw3o x8stf2imc5uls#atu,e d(mof'res8 ex$xtb0enc'sip)vev2 cj(rof(ssy%-fe'ert)tia-lii4zaw-tia%onr4 aa0ndv$ ce8olh4laf%bok0rai0tiv)onr9 bm-eth-wex0eng5 tb)hex3 tb8woi7 ca.omu*muf#nil1tip4esg,, b8i.k/e.j2 ta)hoh)sec* wo9orb0kiy+ngm8 ww)itg%h h2las7b-l8sch/alw2e b(laj%seo1rsj1 az8ndq# Fn/ELl#s,m) rh4esk0pel%ctm7ivb4elk8y.l

.Sce5ieo3ncl8e@j+FEw9Lsl+ 2o601k#6 d3wiu/lli' fq5occ3usp. oq#n z5thv/e n)scm6ieq*ntw$ifs,icy% hl$igv(hlq&igl(hty.s y.aca0hio9evj+edn7 dq#urt)inj0g j$tha)e e-laj#str9 yd%eag$rsp' ip1n u&thp&e n&faa&ste4 el.voj5lvp+ind4g v.deu.vem8loq3pma(eny1t w3ant-d w)opp7erl4atr7iog$n s6lal6sep)rsi, su5oui,rco+esq- tz.hae3t y$arz/e y,enh0abh/liq9ngj$ ev9xpj&erj&imy3eno.tsb' tz#o s&sht1orf3tee&r c-wat,vez,lek*ngm'thi6s,j2 az*ddk/inv-g u5elm.emy'end&t x*ani#d t$chk3emm5icc8alz, su+tac4ter- si.pex%cig+fip(cio4tyj- bb3y m5exu7cio(tir1nge2 aa9nda% pt3roo%bie.ngf- ew6ler-ctp$roy1nit,c l/trh9ant9sip8tiq1ony2s s2frj*omu/ cu#orz2e w2led,ves$lsb-.m

Scientific Committee
Elettra – C. Masciovecchio (Chair)
PSI – R. Abela
FLASH - J. Feldhaus
HZDR - M. Helm
Radboud University – B. Redlich
XFEL – S. Molodtsov
CFEL - F. X. Kärtner
University of California Irvine - S. Mukamel
Politecnico Milano – G. Cerullo
Imperial College London - J. Marangos
Max-Born Institute,Berlin - M. Vrakking
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Link Science at FELs 2016
NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation