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Scientific Opportunities for Ultrafast Hard X-rays at High Repetition Rate: An Energy Upgrade of LCLS-II

Date Mo, 26.09.2016 - Di, 27.09.2016
Time All day
Location SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Menlo Park, CA
Program The LCLS-II Project now underway at SLAC represents a major advance in X-ray laser capabilities that will enable compelling new science opportunities as identified by the user community [1]. When it becomes operational in 2020/21 this next-generation facility will exploit advanced superconducting accelerator technology (continuous-wave RF linac at 4 GeV) and tunable undulators to provide ultrafast coherent X-rays in a uniformly-spaced train of pulses with programmable repetition rates of up to 1 MHz and tunable photon energies from 0.25 to 5 keV.

Looking to the future, the proposed energy upgrade of LCLS-II to 8 GeV (LCLS-II-HE) promises to open entirely new areas of science by providing X-ray energies extending beyond 12 keV to enable high repetition-rate studies of atomic, electronic, and chemical dynamics at the atomic scale.

The objective of this workshop is to further develop the science case for this proposed upgrade, and refine the technical requirements to ensure maximum scientific impact. The results of this workshop will will help guide the design and performance capabilities of the upgraded facility; and will inform the planning for new future scientific instrumentation.

Breakout Sessions:

Coupled dynamics of energy flow: Molecular structure and charge
Charge transfer, model molecular photocatalysts, natural and artificial photosynthesis
Catalysis: Correlated chemical reactivity & structural dynamics
Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, interfacial and geo/environmental chemistry
Materials Physics: Heterogeneity, nonequilibrium dynamics and spontaneous fluctuations
Quantum Materials
Imaging Biological Function and Structural Dynamics

Mike Dunne - LCLS Director
Robert Schoenlein - LCLS
Jerry Hastings - LCLS
Phil Heimann - LCLS
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Link Scientific Opportunities for Ultrafast Hard X-rays at High Repetition Rate: An Energy Upgrade of LCLS-II
NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation