OSA Frontiers in Optics - Laser Science APS/DLS
Date | So, 17.09.2017 - Mi, 20.09.2017 | |
Location | Washington Hilton, Washington, District of Columbia, USA | |
Program | Frontiers in Optics, the OSA Annual Meeting, encompasses the breadth of optical science and engineering and provides an atmosphere that fosters the exchange of information between those working on fundamental research and those looking for solutions to engineering problems. For 2017, the conference has been thoughtfully revised, combining the best of the past and adding vital, innovative elements. We can't wait to introduce this conference to you, so we've scheduled it in September, one month early. Plus, the new meeting location in Washington, D.C., guarantees efficient and affordable access (with three airports servicing the Greater Washington area) and proximity to funding agencies, leading science organizations and research institutions. The Technical Conference is organized around four themes that leverage the intersection between science and applications— the end result is intended to illustrate the research within the technology. The four themes: Automotive Nanophotonics and Plasmonics Optics in Computing Virtual Reality and Augmented Vision Plenary and invited speakers will still be an essential part of the technical program. However, we're introducing a new category, visionary speakers, to the mix. These individuals come from within and beyond the optics and photonics community — each equipped to provide insight into cutting-edge advances related to the four conference themes. As befitting the OSA Annual Meeting, all members will be given the ability to present a contributed paper. New for 2017 is the introduction of Rapid-fire Oral Presentations, held in the Science Showcase Theater during the first hour of each poster session, a select number of poster presenters offer Rapid-fire Oral Presentations, which consist of a brief oral presentation accompanied by slides. This format enables poster presenters to preview key results from their research in brief, five-minute segments. In the session’s second hour, presenters are available for more in-depth discussions adjacent to their accompanying posters. A select number of presentations will be offered as e-posters—which supplements the author’s introduction, motivation, results and conclusions with digital capabilities that aid deeper discussion. American Physical Society's (APS) Division of Laser Science (DLS) provides an important forum for presenting the latest work on laser applications and development, spanning a broad range of topics in physics, biology and chemistry. In collaboration with colleagues at OSA, DLS provides thorough coverage of mutually interesting topics in a number of joint sessions. Session schedules are coordinated to encourage attendees with their intellectual wanderings among DLS, OSA and joint sessions. |
Link | www.frontiersinoptics.com |