Ultrafast Science and Technology Meeting Spain 2019
Date | Mi, 06.11.2019 - Fr, 08.11.2019 | |
Location | Madrid, Spain | |
Program | The third edition of the Ultrafast Science and Technology Spain meeting (USTS 2019) will take place at IMDEA Nanoscience, Madrid, from 6 to 8 November 2019 (http://www.nanociencia.imdea.org/home-en/workshops/usts-2019-meeting). The meeting is promoted by the Grupo Especializado de Láseres Ultrarrápidos (GELUR) of the Real Sociedad Española de Física (RSEF) and follows the two previous meetings organized in Madrid and Salamanca. The main goal of the meeting is to gather and promote the Spanish ultrafast laser community to discuss and disseminate the most recent advances, facilitating synergies among different groups. Senior scientists, postdocs and students working in areas related to ultrafast laser science are invited to participate. The scope of USTS 2019 is broad and multidisciplinary, covering different topics such as ultrafast laser development, femtosecond laser spectroscopy and microscopy, nonlinear optical phenomena, attosecond science, ultrafast synchrotron and XFEL studies, and in general any ultrafast study related to biology, chemistry and condensed matter. The program will include plenary talks, invited talks and poster presentations. Plenary speakers and half of the invited speakers have already been selected by the scientific committee. These are: Plenary speakers: Ursula Keller (ETH Zurich) Franck Lépine (Université de Lyon) Mauro Nisoli (Politecnico di Milano) Invited speakers: Jens Biegert (ICFO) Johannes Feist (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Maria Teresa Flores (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) Wojciech Gawelda (European XFEL) Rosario Gonzalez-Férez (Universidad de Granada) Carlos Hernández (Universidad de Salamanca) Asier Longarte (Universidad de País Vasco) Larry Luer (IMDEA Nanoscience) Cruz Méndez (Centro de Láseres Pulsados) Dooshaye Moonshiram (IMDEA Nanoscience) Rebeca de Nalda (CSIC-IQFR) Elisabet Romero (ICIQ) |
Link | USTS 2019 |