ATTO2021 - 8th Int. Conf. on Attosecond Science and Technology
Date | Mo, 05.07.2021 - Fr, 09.07.2021 | |
Location | Orlando FL | |
Program | On behalf of the International Program Committee of the Attosecond Science and Technology Conference, we are pleased to announce that ATTO2021, the 8th edition of the ATTO Conference, will take place July 5th-9th, 2021 at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA (see attachment). ATTO2021 will cover all aspects of attosecond science and technology, from sources and metrology to applications. The main topics of the conference are: Attosecond pulse generation and characterization High-order harmonic generation from gases, condensed phases, and plasmas High-order harmonic spectroscopies Ultrafast phenomena on the attosecond and femtosecond timescales Next generation laser drivers for attosecond pulse and high-order harmonic generation Attosecond science with free-electron lasers Technological applications of coherent ultrashort XUV and X-ray pulses Time-resolved photon, electron and ion spectroscopy. More detailed information about ATTO2021 will be announced on the conference website at to 20 21 a s it b ec om es a va il ab le . Lo ca l or ga ni ze rs c an b e co nt ac te d vi a e- ma il a t at to 20 21 @u cf .e du . Orlando, the City Beautiful, is a major metropolitan area in Central Florida, and is one of the most visited tourism centers in the world. Orlando is home to dozens of theme parks, museums and other attractions, such as Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, and Kennedy Space Center. Orlando lies 36 m above sea level, it has a subtropical climate and is renowned for its natural attractions. There are several natural springs, wildlife trails, and popular beaches on both of Florida’s coasts, all within short driving distance. The Local Organizing Committee of ATTO2021 operates on the working assumption that the COVID-19 pandemic will be contained by Summer 2021. However, the evolution of the pandemic will be closely monitored, and the organizers will prioritize the health and safety of the conference attendees. Please, forward this message to the people in your group and to anyone you think might be interested. We look forward to seeing you at ATTO2021. Best regards, The Local Organizing Committee of ATTO 2021: Luca Argenti (co-chair), University of Central Florida Michael Chini (co-chair), University of Central Florida Nicolas Douguet, Kennesaw University Li Fang, University of Central Florida Madhab Neupane, University of Central Florida Mihai Vaida, University of Central Florida |