XXII International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena - UP 2020
Date | Mo, 16.11.2020 - Fr, 20.11.2020 | |
Location | Online | |
Program | UP 2020 will be presented in an all-virtual, web conference format during November 16-20, 2020. The health and safety of our conference attendees is always of primary importance, and especially so in this current environment. UP 2020 Committee, after assessing health and travel advisories related to COVID-19, have decided to present this year's conference during November 16-20, 2020, but in an all-virtual, web conference format. Accordingly, Paper Submission Deadline is extended to July 31, 2020. Early Bird Registration Deadline is extended to October 25, 2020. The Ultrafast Phenomena Conferences are held every two years and are widely recognized as the premier and main international forum for gathering the community of scientists and engineers working in research and technology related to ultrafast phenomena. It is indeed a unique opportunity to bring together atomic, molecular and condensed matter physicists, physical chemists, biophysicists and scientists developing new tools, methodologies and techniques, all working on the science of ultrafast phenomena. These phenomena cover the time scales ranging from picoseconds (1 ps = 10-12 s) to hundreds of attoseconds (1 as = 10-18 s). In the past ten years, the field of ultrafast phenomena has moved ahead in a breathtaking fashion, thanks in part, to the development of new laser-based as well as accelerator-based sources of ultrashort pulses of electrons and light, such as high harmonic generation, few-cycle optical pulses, sources of short wavelength radiation such as x-ray free electron lasers. The spectral range of ultrashort pulses of radiation has been extended to the long wavelength range such as Terahertz radiation, and the short wavelength range such as vacuum ultraviolet and the soft and hard X-ray domains. Together with the development of new methodologies, e.g. multidimensional spectroscopies, THz spectroscopy, electron-based techniques (EELS, PINEM, UED, etc.) and x-ray based techniques such as serial femtosecond coherent diffractive imaging, these great leaps forward are delivering an impressive degree of insight into phenomena both within atoms and between atoms and up in scale to macromolecular systems. At the same time, the flexibility in methodologies opens perspectives for major applications in the fields of solar energy, molecular electronics, optoelectronic devices, biomimetic devices, etc... Last but not least, all this is accompanied by an improvement in theoretical models, strongly supported by the increase in computational power, which are indispensable for our understanding of phenomena on such ultra short time scales. The Ultrafast Phenomena Conference series started in 1976 and are held every two years. The 2020 edition will be the XXIInd of the series and it will be the first time it is hosted in China. It will bring together a multidisciplinary group of scientists and engineers sharing a common interest in the generation, manipulation and use of ultra short pulses in the picosecond to the attosecond regimes and their applications to studies of ultrafast phenomena in physics, chemistry, materials science, electronics, biology, engineering, and medical applications. In addition, submissions involving real world applications of ultrafast technology will be encouraged. Finally, a tabletop exhibit featuring leading companies in lasers, optics and optoelectronics and instrumentation will be held in conjunction with the meeting. We look forward to welcoming you online, for an exciting scientific event! |
Link | XXII International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena - UP 2020 |