OPN Column March 2014: Reflections in Diversity
Establishing a Women Professors Forum, as case study in establishing a professional network for advancing women scientists, Ursula Keller and Anna Garry. Ursula Keller is a Professor of Physics, ETH Zurich and Director of NCCR MUST. Dr Anna Garry is the Outreach Officer for NCCR MUST, ETH ZurichUrsula Keller and Anna Garry outline the process of, and key factors in, establishing a successful Women Professors Forum at ETH Zurich, whose membership is now more than 80% of the ETH women professors.
For many high-profile businesses honored for their advancement of women, establishing a women’s network has proved one essential component of success. A 2012 research survey by the Center for Gender in Organizations, Simmons Graduate School of Management, found that such networks—when they are well organized, enjoy the commitment and presence of senior leaders and are valued by the organization— form a necessary part of a multifaceted strategy for the advancement of women.
Ursula Keller and Anna Garry show that the key factors for success were: strong early leadership, essential administrative support from NCCR MUST and direct connection to the leadership at the university.
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