Cross-correlations in X-ray structure determination and other experimental methods
Date | Mo, 27.05.2013 | |
Time | 16:45 | |
Speaker | Bill Pedrini, PSI | |
Location | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6 | |
Program | Cross-correlations in X-ray structure determination and other experimental methods Abstract: Already in 1977, Kam suggested the use of "cross-correlations" to analyze X-ray diffraction data. The idea was forgotten for a long time, and has reattracted attention only in the last few years with the advent of X-ray free electron lasers, which may deliver a sufficient X-ray intensity for the practical application of the method. The cross-correlation method allows extracting the structure of an object from a series of many diffraction images of multiple, identical and randomly oriented objects. The aim of the talk is to illustrate the concepts at the basis of the method on hand of recent results obtained at a synchrotron X-ray source with 2D nanoparticles. Since the application of these concepts is not restricted to X-ray diffraction data, the hope is to trigger interest and discussions within research groups that focus on other experimental techniques. Host: Hans Jakob Wörner, Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie, LPC |