Ab initio quantum study of the dynamics of excited SO2 molecule
Date | Mo, 03.02.2014 | |
Time | 16.45 | |
Speaker | Richard Taieb, Université Sorbonne, Paris, France | |
Location | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6 | |
Program | While the sulfur dioxide molecule has been extensively studied over the last decades, many unresolved problems concerning its dynamics are yet to be tackled. We propose here to make an overview of different works, we performed recently, concerning both time-dependant and independant processes involving the coupled dynamics of the lowest excited states mixed via conical intersections and spin-orbit couplings. We will first explain the photoabsorption spectrum thanks to wave-packet propagation and demonstrate the importance of triplet states and their coupling with the ground state. Finally, we will show how this complex dynamics can be mapped onto multiphoton ionization spectrum in a pump-probe scheme. Host: Hans Jakob Wörner, Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie, LPC |
Link | Eberhard Riedle |