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Looking into the optical cycle via high harmonics spectroscopy

Date Mo, 27.10.2014 - Mo, 27.10.2014
Time 9.00 - 12.00
Speaker Nirit Dudovich
Location ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Program Imaging and controlling dynamics of matter at the level of electrons, at their natural attosecond time scale (1 asec=10-18 sec) is a new milestone in advancing our understanding of nature, the subject of the emerging fields of attosecond spectroscopy and dynamic imaging. Among the most exciting developments in attosecond science is high harmonic generation spectroscopy, which allows one to combine sub-Angström spatial with attosecond temporal resolution, opening up a unique route to temporal super-resolution. High harmonic spectroscopy exploits a built-in pump-probe process that is driven by an intense infrared laser field.

Although high harmonic spectroscopy holds great promise for both measurement and control of matter, the understanding and implementation of most processes pose significant challenges. The extreme nonlinear nature of the interactions offers numerous channels, strongly coupled by the strong laser field, in which electronic dynamics can evolve. In this lecture I will review the main challenges in high harmonic spectroscopy and introduce new approaches of measurement. Specifically, I will show how introducing a weak perturbation over a strong field interaction enables us to decouple the different degrees of freedom and increase the dimensionality of the measurement.

As an example, I will focus on recent experiments where the dynamics of tunnel ionization, one of the most fundamental strong-field phenomena, was studied. Specifically, we were able to measure the times when different electron trajectories exit from under the tunneling barrier created by a laser field and the atomic binding potential. In the following stage, we explored how the instantaneous tunnelling probability evolves in time. Finally, subtle delays in ionization times from two orbitals in a molecular system were resolved. These experiments provide an additional, important step towards achieving the ability to resolve multielectron phenomena -- a long-term goal of attosecond studies.
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Link Nirit Dudovich
NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation