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Random Lasers

Date Mo, 16.03.2015 - Mo, 16.03.2015
Time 16.45
Speaker Prof. Hui Cao, Departement of Applied Physics, Yale University, USA
Location ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G6
Program Abstract: One essential component of a laser is the cavity, which provides optical confinement and feedback for lasing oscillation. In a highly disordered medium, light experiences multiple scattering and undergoes a random walk. Surprisingly, lasing can occur in a random system without well-defined cavities. Such lasers are called random lasers, whose development was dated back to the early years of laser development. Over the past two decades there have been extensive experimental and theoretical studies on random lasers. I will review the random laser development and describe the lasing mechanism. I will also discuss the applications that will benefit from the unique characteristic of random lasers.

Prof. Cao focuses on understanding and controlling light transport, scattering, absorption and amplification in complex photonic nanostructures. Broadly put, her research is concerned with complex photonic materials and nanophotonic devices, both for fundamental physical studies and for applications. Her research involves nanofabrication, material characterization, optical measurement with high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution, and numerical simulation.

Current research projects include:

- development of design, fabrication and characterization of semiconductor micro- and nano-lasers;
- realization of random laser - an unconventional laser whose cavity is formed by optical scattering in a disordered medium, and fundamental study of light transport and localization in active random media;
- investigation of color generation by photonic nanostructures in nature and fabrication of biomimetic samples.
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Link Prof. Hui Cao
NCCR MUST Office : ETHZ IQE/ULP-HPT H3 | Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1 | 8093 Zurich | E-Mail
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation