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NCCR MUST at Scientifica 2021- Lightning, organic solar cells, and virtual molecules

Theory and Simulation of Laser Cutting of metals

Date Do, 10.10.2013 - Do, 10.10.2013
Time 10.15
Speaker Dr. Michael Brügmann, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Location Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Program Theoretical aspects and calculations of the process of fusion laser cutting of metals will be presented. After a short introduction to the process and most important methods of laser cutting of metals we shall focus on the problem of laser cutting from the theoretical point of view.The dynamics of the cutting front and the molten layer as well as its relation to cut quality affecting phenomena like ripple formation and adherent dross will be discussed. Specifically we investigated the dependence of relevant parameters, such as the maximum cutting speed, the shape of the cutting front, the absorptivity profiles and other relevant quantities on the wavelength, polarization and beam properties of the laser source. Special emphasis was placed on the comparison between results obtained for solid state lasers around 1 μm and CO2 lasers at 10 μm wavelength respectively. In general, we found good agreement between theoretical and experimental results and showed that the main differences between laser cutting with 1 μm and 10 μm beams arise from the different absorptivity profiles and absorbed intensities.
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The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation