Toward experimental two-photon absorption with entangled photons
Date | Do, 24.10.2013 | |
Time | 10.15 | |
Speaker | Stefan Lerch, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern | |
Location | Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern | |
Program | In 1930, Maria Goeppert-Mayer predicted for the first time two-photon absorption (TPA). With femtosecond lasers it became possible to measure TPA. About 70 years later, the cross-section for two-photon absorption with entangled photons was theoretically introduced. We will present in particular the linear dependence of the two-photon absorption rate on the light intensity and the possibility to gain spectroscopic information out of it. It has been shown that it is even possible to resolve virtual states which contribute to the TPA but whose energies exceed the sum of the entangled photon energies. This phenomena is accordingly termed “Entangled-Photon Virtual-State Spectroscopy”. The second part of the talk focus on the experimental setup which will allow to measure entangled TPA on different absorbers, for instance fluorescent molecules or atomic Rubidium. By means of Zemax and Lab2 simulations, I will illustrate the work going on in order to improve the present setup of the entangled photon source and shaper. | |
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