Inter- and Intraconfigurational luminescence in hexafluorocryolite-type K3YF6 lattice
Date | Do, 14.03.2013 | |
Time | 10.15 | |
Speaker | Dr. Marek Gusowski, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern | |
Location | Universität Bern, Institut für Angewandte Physik, Gebäude exakte Wissenschaften, Hörsaal B116, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern | |
Program | The growing demand for brighter, faster, more efficient phosphors, scintillators and lasers which has lasted decades, has triggered the intensive studies of the wide-gap materials. Among them the fluorides have found the significant place and become an important field of research. They offer an excellent transparency in the range from infrared (IR) to ultraviolet (UV). It enables to record the absorption peaks attributed to RE3+ electronic transitions in the UV and even in the vacuum- UV (VUV) spectral region. They also give the opportunity to measure the luminescence from the 4fN-15d levels of rare earth ions after excitation with high energetic photons. In this seminar some results of the studies of the optically active rare earth ions placed in fluorides matrix will be presented. | |
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