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Probing electronic processes in large molecules with attosecond time resolution

Date Do, 13.09.2018 - Do, 13.09.2018
Time 16:45
Speaker Prof. Dr. Francesca Calegari Attosecond Science Group, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), DESY, Hamburg
Location ETH Hönggerberg, HCI H 2.1
Program Attosecond science is nowadays a well-established research field, which offers formidable
tools for the investigation and control of electronic processes [1,2]. The possibility to study
molecules of increasing complexity with attosecond time resolution paves the way to
disclosing the role of the electron dynamics in the photo-chemistry and photo-biology of
complex systems. In this context, we have recently demonstrated that attosecond pulses can
initiate charge migration between different functional groups of aromatic amino-acids [3].
In this talk I will first present a time-resolved study of photo-fragmentation of the nucleobase
adenine, one of the key building blocks of DNA. Our most intriguing observation is that a stable
dication of the parent molecule can be produced if (and only if) the probing NIR pulse is very
briefly delayed from the XUV pulse. Our experimental and theoretical findings indicate that
this short delay corresponds to the lifetime of the inner valence hole. The process also
evidences the presence of a laser-assisted stabilization of the nucleobase.
In the second part of the talk I will show the results we have recently obtained for a very large
polyatomic molecule, namely the C60 molecule. Here we have investigated delays in
photoemission after exciting the Giant surface Plasmonic Resonance (GPR) around 20 eV.
Clear signatures of the collective electron dynamics initiated by the XUV pulse can be
extracted from the experimental data.
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The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation