Purifying electron spectra from noisy pulses with machine learning using synthetic Hamilton matrices
Date | Mo, 16.12.2019 | |
Time | 16:45h | |
Speaker | Prof. Dr. Jan Michael Rost, MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany | |
Location | ETHZ, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6 | |
Program | We construct a fully connected feedforward artificial neural network to extract a purified electron spectrumcorresponding to ionization with a Fourier limited light pulse from a noisy spectrum created by a short, noisy pulse.The network is trained bytheoretical spectra obtained from a large number of synthetically generatedrandom Hamilton matrices coupled to short pulses and noise. Therefore,application to a wide varietyof problems is possible.Concrete first examples presented will include helium and H2+ for processes dominated by non-lineartwo-photon absorption in the XUV, where we demonstrate that indeed, the noise free spectrumcan be uncovered with good accuracy. | |
Link | Laser Seminars |