Probing and controlling spin transport with ultrashort terahertz pulses
Date | Mo, 17.02.2020 | |
Time | 16:45h | |
Speaker | Prof. Tobias Kampfrath, Freie Universität Berlin and Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society | |
Location | ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G6 | |
Program | To take advantage of the electron spin in future electronics, spin angular momentum needs to be transported and detected. Heat gradients and electric fieldshave beenshown to efficientlydrive spin transport at megahertzand gigahertzfrequencies. However, to probe the initial elementary steps thatlead to the formation of spin currents, we need to launch and measure transport on femtosecond time scales. This goal is achieved by employing both ultrashort optical and terahertz electromagnetic pulses. We show that this experimental strategy provides new insights into important spintronic effects, in particular thespin Seebeck effectand even mature phenomena such as anisotropic magnetoresistance.Interesting applications such as the efficient generation of ultrashort terahertz electromagnetic pulses will also be addressed. References [1] Seifert et al., Nature Comm.9, Articlenumber:2899(2018) [2] Maehrlein et al., Science Adv.4, eaar5164 (2018) [3] Seifert et al., Nature Photon.10, 483 (2016) [4] Fülöpet al., Advanced Optical Materials 1900681 (2019) |
Link | Laser Seminars |