Measuring in the attosecond domain - techniques and applications
Date | Mo, 21.11.2011 | |
Time | 16:45h | |
Speaker | Dr. Lukas Gallmann, Ultrafast Laser Physics, IQE, ETHZ | |
Location | ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, HPF G-6 | |
Program | 2011 marks the tenth anniversary of attosecond science. This seminar aims to provide a broad introduction into this still rather young research field. What phenomena occur on these time scales and how can we experimentally access them? A main emphasis will be on the measurement techniques available in attosecond science. Examples from our own research at ETH will be used for illustration of select applications. Host: Ursula Keller, Ultrafast Laser Physics, IQE |
Link | optETH | |
Lukas Gallmann |