New SNSF Flexibility Grants 2018 (formerly 120% support grant):
(for PhD students and Postdocs with small children)
The SNSF has changed its financial support for PostDocs and PhD student parents with small children and renamed the grant.- Eligibility: the Flexibility Grants are not only open for postdocs, but also for PhD students (for the NCCRs, this extension was already implemented a year ago)
- Age of children: So far it was only possible to get support for day care costs of children at the age before kindergarten. Now this is extended to all children in primary school.
- Calculation: The salary of the partner does not play a role in the calculation anymore. For day care, the maximum support is 1000 CHF per month and child for everybody. In addition, SNSF adds a maximum of 20% of the applying person’s salary to the salary of the support person. The entire grant may not exceed CHF 30’000 CHF per year.
- More flexibility: Postdoc applicants can ask for a support person without having to reduce their own activity rate
- Leaner application: Applicants don’t have to submit a career plan anymore.
- PhD students can apply for financial support for childcare, but not for a support person
More details: Flexibility Grants Regulations NCCR and

Please submit the completed application to the NCCR MUST Office. (A successful grant starts from the month of application)
(General information for SNSF funded scientists: the SNSF will only give funding to postdocs for 5 years after their PhD qualification: Anyone who has been a postdoc for longer is not eligible for this grant see: SNSF general regulations on postdocs. If you are a PRIMA or Ambizione awardee you can apply directly to the SNF for a Flexibility Grant)
SNSF PRIMA Awards for excellent female researchers (launched 2017)
The stepping stone to your professorship!
PRIMA grants are aimed at excellent female researchers from Switzerland and abroad who aspire to a professorship in Switzerland. PRIMA grantees lead their own research project at a Swiss higher education institution. They work independently and have a team of their own.
A PRIMA grant comprises the grantee's salary and project funds for a duration of up to 5 years, the possibility to plan a stay at another host institution and the offer of a mentoring network. With this generously endowed grant, the promoted researchers should be able to enhance their academic profile. The SNSF intends to award up to 12 grants each year to excellent women researchers.
The application procedure, requirements and documentation can be found on the SNSF website here.
Mobility Grants for PhD students
Mobility grants are aimed at doctoral students who wish to improve their scientific profile by going abroad while being employed in an ongoing SNSF research project. For further details and how to apply see SNSF website here.Applications should by submittted using the mySNF platform: Guidelines 2017
SNSF Gender Equality Grant
The gender equality grant is aimed at young women researchers funded by the SNSF on career funding schemes (eg.Doctoral and Postdoc Mobility grants) and working under SNSF research funding. See guidelines below . It offers them additional individualised and flexible support for their career development. An eligible person receives CHF 1000 per 12 months' approved project running time. The grant may be used to finance career support measures but does not cover family support measures. N.B It is not available to women scientists whose funding comes from an NCCR.The application procedure is found on the SNSF website. The guidelines showing eligibility can be downloaded here.